Installation Photo Gallery - ScreenShots - Introduction, Access to configuration page, Configuring the communication ports
(Serial & UDP)
- Setting up Sensors and Conditions - List of Values, presentation of values in the Navigation page - Configuring Relative Wind Sensor - Configuring True Wind Sensor - Configure GAUGE1 as Rudder
(Serial & UDP)
- Setting up Sensors and Conditions - List of Values, presentation of values in the Navigation page - Configuring Relative Wind Sensor - Configuring True Wind Sensor - Configure GAUGE1 as Rudder
Understanding Value Type
The most important part of the setup is the sensor configuration. The installer has to create the right conditions in order to decode the input data.
During software development we had to deside between a simple ready made configuration with fixed conditions according to NMEA 0183 or a system that uses the NMEA protocol and additionally is able to accept any comma delimited sentences from special hardware, analog data etc.
In the configuration of Pytheas the installer can add a lot more than typical hardware and can deside what value and where will be proccessed.
Pytheas has 42 available values assigned to specific indicators in the software (numeric values, string values or graphic presentations).
Another 20 indicators are available in the software. Some of them are fixed like the navigation lights and some of them can be assigned to specific operations for example a Led that lights when an alarm arrives.
During setup for every condition you have to declare the Value Type.
The type of value directs the proccessing to a special routine for decoding.
The most important part of the setup is the sensor configuration. The installer has to create the right conditions in order to decode the input data.
During software development we had to deside between a simple ready made configuration with fixed conditions according to NMEA 0183 or a system that uses the NMEA protocol and additionally is able to accept any comma delimited sentences from special hardware, analog data etc.
In the configuration of Pytheas the installer can add a lot more than typical hardware and can deside what value and where will be proccessed.
Pytheas has 42 available values assigned to specific indicators in the software (numeric values, string values or graphic presentations).
Another 20 indicators are available in the software. Some of them are fixed like the navigation lights and some of them can be assigned to specific operations for example a Led that lights when an alarm arrives.
During setup for every condition you have to declare the Value Type.
The type of value directs the proccessing to a special routine for decoding.