NMEA 0183 Relative (Apparent) Wind Speed and Angle. Wind angle in relation to the vessel’s heading
and wind speed measured relative to the moving vessel.
<1> Measured angle relative to the vessel, left/right of vessel heading, to the nearest 0.1 degree
<2> L = left, or R = right
<3> Measured wind speed, knots, to the nearest 0.1 knot
<4> N = knots
<5> Wind speed, meters per second, to the nearest 0.1 m/s
<6> M = meters per second
<7> Wind speed, km/h, to the nearest km/h
<8> K = km/h
NMEA 0183 Relative (Apparent) Wind Speed and Angle. Wind angle in relation to the vessel’s heading
and wind speed measured relative to the moving vessel.
<1> Measured angle relative to the vessel, left/right of vessel heading, to the nearest 0.1 degree
<2> L = left, or R = right
<3> Measured wind speed, knots, to the nearest 0.1 knot
<4> N = knots
<5> Wind speed, meters per second, to the nearest 0.1 m/s
<6> M = meters per second
<7> Wind speed, km/h, to the nearest km/h
<8> K = km/h